Saturday, February 20, 2010

I've Learned...

Good morning, everyone! Have you ever thought that your brain couldn't possibly hold one more piece of knowledge, that you must already have all of the common sense possible in your lifetime, that your heart is so full of love that it couldn't possibly hold more, or that ahhh, you are finally at a wonderful stage in your life that it couldn't get any better?

Have you ever felt, brain fry, common sense escapee and of course wondering how to deal with a new challenge that came to you unexpectedly?

I've learned that as long as we are here on earth moving about, we will most definitely continue to fill our minds with knowledge and our hearts will pour out love toshare with others always.

I've learned that if we stand up straight and be strong in our thoughts, we will succeed in all we set out to do and that challenges are a gift to make us stronger and wiser.

  I've learned that no matter what the circumstances are, I will always hold onto hope for a better tomorrow.

I've learned to appreciate all walks of life. 

I've learned that being kind is a wonderful thing.

I've learned that accepting a helping hand is okay and that offering one is awesome.

I've learned how to move on each day after losing my very best friend in the world at a really young age,  I hold my head up high, sometimes while blinking back tears, but I've learned that memories are held dear and nobody can ever take them away.

  I've learned that I can make new friends.

I've learned that after the passing of a loved one we can make a difference in the life of another in his or her memory, that sometimes we are inspired by that person who passed onto heaven.

I've learned that children can take your mind off of a lot and almost always can make us laugh, I've learned it's important to laugh everyday.

   This week of February 15th to 20th in 2009, was the last week Bill was physically living in our home here in Myrtle Beach, we spent the next thirty days last year living in hospital rooms together.  While there, I learned more than I ever thought I could.  I learned that love did grow stronger, that more friendships were being formed, I learned how to decorate a hospital room and stay positive and laugh when my husband would make funny comments, I learned it was most important to be back in the room at night to watch Millionaire and Two and a Half Men with him.

I've learned that no matter what a day brings to us in our lives here on earth, we must make the best of every minute.

I also want to let all of you know, when I send my four separate emails out to be sure to include the near 250 friends and family, that as I click on each of your names I think of you, I know that sometimes you may be having a time in that isn't up to par, so to speak, and I also know that you very well could be having a fantastic time celebrating a new birth, a wedding, a new pregnancy announced, that you accomplished a goal big or small, or some other exciting time.  I am here for all of you and I've learned that you are all here for me.  Thank you, I appreciate you.

My wish is that your lives are filled with love and you are successful in all you set out to do.

Love your friend

PS  I've also learned that people really do with big money in the lottery!  When it's my turn I'll think of all of you then too.  :)

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